The End of Remote Workers for Yahoo

Last Friday Marissa Mayer, who was appointed President and CEO of Yahoo in July 2012, told remote employees that they needed to be working in an office by June this year. The pronouncement has sparked a lot of discussion on and off Twitter. So have Yahoo made the right decision? I’ve created a Storify with related tweets.

  1. “Physically Together”: Here’s the Internal Yahoo No-Work-From-Home Memo — Which Extends Beyond Remote Workers
  2. Some people feel that in these difficult times F2F working is what we need…
  3. As a lifetime remote-office worker, even I agree it’s probably the right thing for Yahoo to do now. Collab tools don’t replace f2f time.
  4. Yahoo to employees: “work in an office or quit”, Well done, we need more face-to-face interaction to be #Agile!
  5. People, I know it sucks for 500 who can’t WFH but @marissamayer trying to ensure other 12k Yahoo employees still have an office to come to
  6. What do you think of Yahoo’s decision? Bold moves are what the company needs so this might be part of a culture shift
  7. Other people believe it is a step backwards…
  8. disappointed Marissa Mayer is eliminating remote worker options at $YHOO…
  9. Most TNW folks work outside an office. Most of us have never even met. This Yahoo policy feels decrepit. We’ll see.
  10. Will this be a trend? What about family-friendly policies? “@Slate: Marissa Mayer bans working from home:
  11. Memo demands @Yahoo employees can’t work from home. Needless to say, this is an idiotic move.…
  12. Ridiculous policy, especially for a tech co.:Yahoo Eliminates Work-From-Home Option, Sparks Intense Debate on Twitter…
  13. Seems #oldschool and a step back – #Yahoo Eliminates Work-From-Home Option, Sparks Intense Debate on Twitter
  14. Has Marissa Mayer actually SEEN what the avg. Silicon Valley worker LOOKS like?!?! Please, keep them at home!…
  15. I am eager to see if / how Yahoo responds to the outcry about their alleged new Zero-remote worker policy. Very curious if true.
  16. Yahoo Eliminates Work-From-Home Option, Sparks Intense Debate on Twitter
  17. Interesting take on remote working by Yahoo – not in line with current trends >…
  18. What do you think?

2 thoughts on “The End of Remote Workers for Yahoo

  1. What I find strange about this is the blanket nature of the Yahoo announcement. There may be a strong business argument for having some of those people in the office working with others face-to-face to strengthen the business, but there are bound to be some for whom office accommodation would be an unnecessary business expense, or at worst a big risk in terms of losing talent.

    Surely re-evaluating who should be working from home would be a more sensible approach than a blanket ban? It just seems unnecessarily polarising!

  2. Pingback: Better Remote Work | 3 Good Reasons Why Remote Work is Booming

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